Minister of Economy of Armenia Tigran Khachatryan visited the Yerevan Chocolate Company to get acquainted with the company programs and production process

09 December, 2019

The company founder Sos Sahakyan introduced the minister on the economic activity results of 2019 January-November compared to the same period of 2018: the volumes of selling the goods increased by 37% and the export by 141%. The company representatives said that 2019 will end with nearly 2.4 billion AMD production, 40% of which will be exported. The chocolate labeled with Made in Armenia is exported to the EAEU, Ukraine, France, US, Israel, Estonia, China and other markets.

The minister of economy got acquainted with the new Belgian and Italian equipment, as well as the construction works of the company’s new building which will start operating in a month. The company representatives informed that 69 new jobs were created in 2019, and in 2020 50 more jobs will be created.

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