Armenian-Jordanian business forum will open new opportunities for expanding bilateral cooperation

10 February, 2020

There are wide opportunities between Armenia and Jordan for the development of cooperation. Armenian Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan stated  this on February 10 at the Armenian-Jordanian business forum. The  forum is being held as part of the visit of the ABDULLAH II, King of  the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to Yerevan.

The Armenian Minister during his speech emphasized that today's  business forum will significantly contribute to the further expansion  of friendly relations and economic cooperation between the two  countries. "From the point of view of creating business relations,  implementing mutually beneficial projects and long-term investments,  it is very important to have a reliable partnership. I am convinced  that Armenia can become a promising partner for Jordan. Our bilateral  economic relations have great potential for development, and we would  like the private sector Jordan discovered Armenia, today Armenia is a  country of opportunities with modern, educated, hardworking human  capital and profitable formats of cooperation with many countries. We  pursue an open-door policy without any restrictions on investment  activities.  Today we have created an effective system of encouraging  investment in export-oriented industries. All this makes Armenia even  more attractive from the point of view of business and investment  activity>, the minister noted.

He added that the Armenian government is ready to help businessmen  implement all the agreements.  Speaking about the effectiveness of  measures aimed at strengthening economic ties with established ties  in the private sector, the Minister emphasized that the Investment  Support Center under the Ministry of Economy is ready to provide the  private sector with the greatest possible assistance in establishing  business contacts. "I am convinced that through conscientious and  efficient work, we will achieve significant results in the promotion  and development of Armenian-Jordanian cooperation, contributing to  the establishment of mutually beneficial business ties and the  orientation of new areas of cooperation," the minister said.

In turn,  Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan Tariq  Hammouri  said in his speech that the Jordanian private sector is  enthusiastic about establishing economic relations with Armenia, and  there are real opportunities for cooperation between the two  countries. "There is a desire, there is enthusiasm, so I think that  we will have both short-term and long-term plans," said the Jordanian  minister.

It should be noted that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed  between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia and the  Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply of the Hashemite Kingdom of  Jordan. The memorandum was signed by Minister of Economy of the  Republic of Armenia Tigran Khachatryan and Minister of Industry,  Trade and Supply of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Tariq Hammouri .

 In industry presentations organized for conference participants, the  structure of the economy of Armenia and Jordan was presented,  attractive investment areas, and tourism potential of both countries.

The conference continued its work in B2B format. 

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