A number of agreements have been reached during the visit of the Armenian delegation headed by Vahan Kerobyan to Iran

27 January, 2021

Vahan Kerobyan, Armenian Economy Minister and the delegation, on their tour to Iran and the series of the visits with the Iranian top ranking officials on January 25 held meetings with Sorena Sattari, Vice-President for Science and Technology, Reza Ardakanian, Energy Minister and the Co-Chair of Armenian-Iranian Intergovernmental Commission, Mohamad Javad Azari Jahromi, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Farhad Dejpasand, Minister of Finance and Economic affairs, Gholam Hossein Shafei, President of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture.

During these meetings wide range of issues related to the Armenia-Iran bilateral relations and future joint plans in the spheres of advanced technology and science, finance, trade, investment and energy were discussed.

In order to boost the trade relations and encourage the joint investment plans cooperation MOU was signed.

The two sides agreed to have bilateral visits during the year.

The Armenian delegation also had meetings with managers of ''SHASTA'' Holding Co. and conglomerate of ''MAPNA'' Group.

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