RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan received the newly appointed Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Armenia Meegahalande Durage Lamawansa

24 February, 2021

On February 24, 2021, the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to the Republic of Armenia Meegahalande Durage Lamawansa (residence in Moscow). The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Sri Lanka Sargis Tarverdyan also took part in the meeting.

Vahan Kerobyan congratulated Meegahalande Durage Lamawansa on his appointment as the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Armenia, and welcomed the Ambassador’s first visit to Armenia for accreditation, wishing him successful work in expanding bilateral cooperation.

Touching upon the possible developments of collaboration between Armenia and Sri Lanka, the Minister especially emphasized the formation of cooperation in different spheres of economy. He suggested considering possibilities of establishing joint ventures and branches of Sri Lankan companies in Armenia, which would allow them to enter the markets of third countries with products produced in Armenia.

Welcoming the Minister, Ambassador Meegahalande Durage Lamawansa noted in his turn that there is a great potential for mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in a number of perspective sectors and suggested considering the possibility of establishing an intergovernmental commission to more efficiently organize the joint work in different perspective directions.

Both sides emphasized the importance of arranging the launch of direct flights to expand cooperation in tourism, as well as organizing study tours of Sri Lankan media to Armenia.

At the end of the meeting an agreement was reached to increase the trade turnover between the two countries, as well as support organization of reciprocal visits of business delegations and arrangement of business conferences aimed at establishing possible cooperation in the investment sphere.

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