Gevorg Papoyan
  • Phone (+374 11) 597 110
  • Email
  • From March 5, 2024- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia.

  • Date and Place of Birth

    February 11, 1987, in the village of Ujan in Aragatsotn province, Republic of Armenia

2003-2008 - Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Faculty of Commerce and Product Research (now Marketing and Business Organization).

2008-2011- Postgraduate studies at the ASUE Department of Marketing.

2011- Defended a scientific thesis and received a PhD in economics.

From March 5, 2024- Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia.

2021-2024 - Chairman of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the RA National Assembly.

Since December 2022 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the “Civil Contract” party.

Since November 2022- Member of the board of the “Civil Contract” party.

2019-2021- RA NA deputy (“My Step” alliance of parties, territorial electoral list of the electoral district No. 3), member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, member of the “My Step” faction.

2018-2019 - deputy director  of “BD GROUP” LLC. 

2013-2018 - head of the marketing department of “BD GROUP” LLC.

Since 2011 - lecturer at the ASUE Department of Marketing as an assistant, and since 2015 – associate professor.

2009-2013 - service agent, then marketing research specialist of “Z&A” LLC.

2008-2009 - service agent of “IMEX GROUP” LLC.

Speaks English and Russian

Author of an educational manual and dozens of scientific articles.


Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Armenia

One Stop Shop for Investors

Feedback with the ministry staff officers

United Platform on Electonic Requests

Unified website for legal acts drafts

eRegulations Armenia

Electronic Government of the Republic of Armenia

The rank of Armenia in the international ratings

  • Hot line

    * Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.


(+374 11) 597 539


(+374 11) 597 167


(+374 11) 597 166

* Hot line operates on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09:00 to 18:00.