Government discusses 2020-2030 strategy for agricultural sector development

16 December, 2019

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a consultation to discuss the draft strategy for the development of agriculture in 2020-2030.

Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan and Deputy Minister Artak Kamalyan presented in all detail the goals and priorities set pout in the strategy, which were identified considering the impact of emerging challenges. Tigran Khachatryan said that the strategy covers sustainable agriculture, innovative solutions, as well as high value-added, export-oriented, economically sustainable use of natural resources. Low efficiency, insufficient monitoring of food safety standards, high market concentration, poor institutional capacity, and the restricted use of innovations were mentioned among the problems faced in agriculture. Tigran Khachatryan noted that the strategy had been developed taking into account the aforementioned issues. The following development principles were identified: aggregation, commercialization, youth inclusion, diversification and risk management, climate adaptation and technological modernization.

The Minister of Economy dwelt on the priorities set out in the strategy: increasing cultivated farmland areas, improving irrigation system, enhanced loan accessibility, improvement of quality of seeds and planting materials, promotion of modern cattle breeding facilities, provision of food safety, export-oriented farming, introduction of new investment tools, higher level of farm consolidation, development of retail and wholesale markets.

A number of proposals and recommendations were voiced during the exchange of views that followed. Reference was made to the planned measures, the existing problems and opportunities, the drafting of an agriculture development concept note, the implementation of an agrarian reform and other issues of topical interest.

Prime Minister Pashinyan stressed the need for implementing complex measures in line with the agriculture development strategy. The Premier told those responsible to follow up the discussion on the draft strategy with the relevant agencies in order get its final version into circulation as soon as possible.

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