Doing business program approved at Government session

27 February, 2020

9 business environment improvement programs will be implemented in Armenia in 2020-2023. At the meeting of February 27, the RA Government approved the program of these events.

According to the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia  Tigran Khachatryan, the World Bank recommendations as part of the Doing Business 2020 report were taken into account when developing  the document.

A number of programs will be launched in the current year, but its  results will be tangible in 2-3 years. In particular, the programs  will be aimed at accelerating the time for registration of companies,  reducing the time for granting construction permits, registering  property rights, attracting affordable loans, etc. An important place  in the program will begin to acquire the quality of public services,  tax administration, and the resolution of disputes in courts, in  particular speed of bankruptcy proceedings. For the first time, three  new indicators will be applied - the participation of business  entities in the public procurement system and their relationship with  government agencies, openness when attracting foreign specialists and  the level of relations of private companies with the antitrust  authority. The implementation of these programs, according to the  Minister, will allow to improve the business environment in the  country and increase the rating of Armenia in the World Bank report.

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