The possibilities of the Armenian-Chilean economic cooperation were discussed

10 December, 2020

On December 9, 2020, a video call roundtable discussion was held between Armenia and Chile on the topic “Exportation and promotion of foreign investments”.

The event was attended by representatives of the RA Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile, the Investment Support Center of Armenia, and “ProChile” and “InvestChile” agencies of Chile.

The welcome speeches of the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia Varos Simonyan and the Deputy Minister on International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile Rodrigo Janés were delivered to the participants of the roundtable discussion.

In the welcome speech of Varos Simonyan it was particularly mentioned that Armenia and Chile have considerable potential and wide untapped opportunities for development of economic relations and bringing them to a new quality level. It was also mentioned that cooperation in the sectors of foreign trade, agriculture, and industry, as well as attraction of investments and promotion of exportation, will undoubtedly have a positive impact not only on the further development of the two countries’ economies, but strengthening of bilateral cooperation as well, including within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. Special attention was paid to holding such events for new economic, trade, and investment opportunities.

Rodrigo Janés’ welcoming speech also emphasized the roundtable discussion between Armenia and Chile. In particular, it was noted that trade can unite many different countries, it was stressed that Chile is constantly expanding its cooperation, there are good opportunities to expand cooperation in the field of exportation and importation, establishing new contacts between businessmen, which will open up new horizons for trade and investments.

During the roundtable discussion the representatives of the Investment Support Center, “ProChile” and “InvestChile” agencies of the Republic of Chile presented the activities of their organizations through presentations.

Afterwards, the participants of the roundtable discussion exchanged information on the current policy on promotion of exportation and attraction of investments, relevant Armenian and Chilean organizations, and clarified the scope and directions of economic cooperation.

At the end of the event, the parties agreed to effectively use the potential of the relevant structures, discussed the issue of signing memoranda of cooperation between the Investment Support Center and “ProChile” and “InvestChile” agencies, implementation of joint online business projects, as well as possibilities for cooperation between Armenian and Chilean businessmen during the pandemic.

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