The Minister Vahan Kerobyan received the Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Abbas Badakhshan Zohouri

14 December, 2020

On December 14, 2020, the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Armenia Abbas Badakhshan Zohouri.

Welcoming the Ambassador, the Minister noted with satisfaction that Iran is one of the most friendly countries for Armenia, with which strong trade and economic relations have been established. At the same time, Vahan Kerobyan expressed hope that the framework of the Armenian-Iranian cooperation will continue to expand and strengthen in the near future.

The Iranian Ambassador congratulated Vahan Kerobyan on assuming the post of the RA Minister of Economy, noting that there is a great potential for the trade and economic cooperation between Armenia and Iran, which is not yet fully realized. The Ambassador expressed hope that the Armenian-Iranian economic relations will become more active in the near future and the previously reached agreements, joint projects, and initiatives will have their practical bases. For this purpose, the Ambassador offered the Armenian party to study the possibility of developing a roadmap for each project and defining a clear phased schedule.

Among the most realistic directions of the Armenian-Iranian cooperation, Abbas Badakhshan Zohouri, in particular, pointed out the sectors of plant cultivation, animal breeding, and fish farming.

In his speech, the Iranian Ambassador emphasized the need for strengthening business ties in the economic sphere of the two countries, organizing exhibitions for business networks for the purpose of study tours and exchange of experience, and arranging video conferences between stakeholders. Both sides stressed the importance of increasing the trade circulation between Armenia and Iran.

The interlocutors also touched upon the prospects of cooperation between "Meghri" and the Iranian "Araz" free economic zones, as well as establishment of joint ventures.

Noting that the membership in the Eurasian Economic Union opens wide opportunities for Armenia, the Iranian Ambassador expressed confidence that establishing Armenian-Iranian joint ventures will not only contribute to the development of economy of the two countries, but will also allow to increase the scope of export to the EEU countries.

Vahan Kerobyan expressed readiness to study and take measures to eliminate the existing problems within the framework of cooperation between the two countries in the field of economy, as well as promote as much as possible the implementation of bilateral programs.

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