The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan participated in the opening ceremony of the modern poultry house of “Arzni Pedigree Poultry Cattle Pig Breeding Enterprise”

26 December, 2020

The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan and Deputy Minister Tigran Gabrielyan visited “Arzni Pedigree Poultry Cattle Pig Breeding Enterprise”, where they participated in the opening ceremony of a new poultry house equipped with modern equipment.

The latest technologies installed at the poultry house were partially acquired within the framework of the state support program of leasing for financial lending of equipment of the agricultural and food sector.

Accompanied by the company’s General Director Gegham Janvelyan, the officials toured the poultry house, got acquainted with the poultry breeding conditions and care of the birds and the existing production capacities.

Gegham Janvelyan informed that the poultry house will use automated systems for feeding, water supply, ventilation, egg collection and other activities, which will allow minimizing the human factor, as well as ensure the integrity and vendibility of the produced egg shell. According to him, in the past it was possible to keep only 22 thousand birds in such poultry houses, but thanks to introduction of the modern equipment of the famous German company Hellmann it became possible to increase the number of birds kept in this poultry house to 70 thousand.

The company’s General Director expressed hope that using the latest technologies will offer an opportunity to increase productivity, reduce the prime cost of eggs while maintaining the food safety standards, offer consumers higher quality and at the same time more affordable products.

Summing up the results of the tour, Minister Vahan Kerobyan noted: “As you know, the biggest obstacle to doing business in Armenia is the availability of financial resources. One of the most important missions of the Ministry of Economy should be to make finances available to businessmen through different channels. We need efficient, modern entreprises that can make our economy competitive not only in Armenia but also around the world”.

The technical upgrade of the poultry farm of “Arzni Pedigree Poultry Cattle Pig Breeding Enterprise” will continue and in near future two poultry houses with the same capacity will be put into operation.

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