The problems and ways for solution thereof were discussed with the transport companies providing services in the tourism sector

10 February, 2021

On February 10, 2021, the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan met with representatives of a number of transport companies providing services in the tourism sector. The meeting was also attended by responsible employees of the RA Ministry of Economy and the Tourism Committee.

Vahan Kerobyan noted that the purpose of the meeting is to get acquainted with the sector’s current problems and discuss ways and possibilities for solution thereof.

The main problems were singled out by the representatives of the sector, such as reduction of the tourist inflow at the impact of the coronavirus and the current insufficient level of financial resources. Referring to the 25th measure for neutralization of the Coronavirus-driven economic impact to support the transport companies providing services in the tourism sector, the representatives of the transport companies providing services in the tourism sector voiced those obstacles, as a result of which not all businesses can benefit from the assistance provided within the measure. The participants of the meeting were informed that the Ministry is working on the issue: the above-mentioned measure is undergoing changes and additions to allow more businesses to benefit from state support.

During the meeting a number of other current problems were raised, issues of cooperation with banks were discussed, and mechanisms of cooperation were clarified.

The Minister of Economy also noted that discussions are underway to ease the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, which will contribute to an increased tourist inflow and visits, which in its turn will intensify transport services within the sector.

Vahan Kerobyan informed that active discussions are underway with Iran aimed at intensifying the cooperation in the tourism sector, settlement of transport issues, which will also be a stimulus for the development of the sector.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister offered to compile all problems and present them in writing to the Ministry to pursue their solution.

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