Vahan Kerobyan received the delegation led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Innovation Fund of Iran

19 February, 2021

The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan received the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Innovation Fund of Iran Ali Vahdat and the delegation under his lead visiting Armenia within the framework of ARMENIA-HI TECH EVENT.

The meeting was also attended by the RA Deputy Minister of Economy Varos Simonyan and the Deputy Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Armenia Ali Mohammad Mottaghi.

Welcoming the guests, Vahan Kerobyan noted that warm good-neighborly relations have been established between Armenia and Iran, yet the bilateral cooperation in the economic sphere does not correspond to the high level that the two countries strive to achieve.

“We are ready to cooperate within a comprehensive framework with our Iranian partners to be able to jointly conquer large markets and organize trade with the third countries for the benefit of economic development of our countries”, Vahan Kerobyan said.

The Minister of Economy noted that during his recent visit to Iran he had numerous meetings with high-ranking state officials and representatives of the business community, during which the Iranian side stressed its interest in expanding the economic ties and effective cooperation with Armenia, whereby the present meeting is the logical continuation of agreements reached in Iran.

Seconding the opinion that the current trade turnover between Iran and Armenia is still insufficient, Ali Vahdat expressed hope that in near future both sides will take steps to make full use of the existing potential and opportunities.

Emphasizing the point that Armenia can be a convenient bridge for exporting Iranian products to the Eurasian market, Ali Vahdat expressed an opinion that through joint efforts it will be possible to achieve the desired results.

Vahan Kerobyan assured of the readiness of the RA Ministry of Economy to provide support to Iranian companies for their effective operation in Armenia.

At the end of the meeting, the parties concluded to undertake activities which will put into practice the agreements reached.

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