Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan met with representatives of the public organization "Wine of Armenia" from the Kotayk region

29 April, 2024

On April 27, Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan met with representatives of the public organization "Wine of Armenia" from the Kotayk region. Deputy Minister Arman Khojoyan and Director of the Armenian Viticulture and Winemaking Foundation Zaruhi Muradyan also participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, the activities and primary objectives of the NGO "Armenia Wines" were presented, along with the steps taken to promote the export of wine produced by members of the organization, as well as jointly implemented measures.

Subsequently, the challenges facing the viticulture and winemaking sector in the Republic of Armenia and potential solutions were discussed.

Additionally, topics such as the diversification of alternative export markets, state-provided support tools, the preservation of Armenian grape varieties, and other industry-related matters were addressed.


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