A contract has been signed for the implementation of the urban planning project for the construction of the World Trade Center

30 April, 2024

On April 30, RA Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan, on behalf of the RA government, and General Director of Renshin LLC Eduard Marutyan, signed a contract for the implementation of an urban planning project aimed at constructing the WORLD TRADE CENTER (WTC).

Today, another significant agreement was reached, this time a trilateral one, involving the Government of the Republic of Armenia, Renshin LLC, and HayPost CJSC. This agreement outlines the establishment of the World Trade Center Yerevan closed joint-stock company.

The decision to participate in this urban development endeavor for the construction of the World Trade Center (WTC) and the subsequent formation of the World Trade Center Yerevan closed joint-stock company was officially endorsed by executive decision No. 1529-A, issued on September 7, 2023.

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